Are Bedsores A Sign Of Nursing Home Neglect?

6 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Bedsores is one of the most common signs of neglect in nursing homes. Bedsores can cause significant health problems in the elderly and even lead to death if not properly treated. If you have discovered that your parent has bedsores, here is what you need to know.  

Why Are Bedsores a Sign of Neglect?

One misconception about bedsores and nursing homes is that it is one of the expected consequences of living in a facility. In reality, your parent should not develop a bedsore while he or she is in care. If your parent does, this is a sign of neglect.  

Bedsores point to the staff failing to reposition your parent on a consistent basis. It could also signal malnutrition, dehydration, and drastic weight loss. When your parent has drastic weight loss, the loss of muscle and fat can make him or her more vulnerable to developing bedsores. 

If your parent has bedsores, it could also indicate that your parent's skin was left excessively moist for a long period of time. For instance, if the nursing staff failed to clean your parent after he or she experienced urinary or fecal incontinence.  

Bedsores can infect the underlying bone and lead to death if not treated. It can also cause significant pain and discomfort for your parent. If your parent has a pre-existing condition, such as diabetes, the bedsore can exacerbate it.  

What Can You Do?

The most important step you can take after discovering your parent has a bedsore is to file a complaint with the state's Adult Protection Services. The agency will open an investigation into your claims within a day or two. The state will determine what led to the development of the bedsore and take action against the nursing home facility, if necessary.  

You also have to assess your parent's current living situation. If possible, moving your parent to another facility might be the best option. Until you are able, consider monitoring your parent's care in-person. You and your family can create a plan to ensure someone is with your parent at all times.  

In addition to taking these steps, you need to contact an attorney, like Reed Law, who has experience in handling nursing home abuse cases. The attorney can review the details of your parent's injuries, help with interactions with the state agency investigating your complaint, and take legal action, such as filing a lawsuit against the nursing facility.