Personal Injury: Emotional Distress

5 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When most people think of a personal injury claim, they think of things like broken bones and permanent scarring. However, there are other types of personal injuries that people can bring forth lawsuits for and in many cases, win those lawsuits. One such type of personal injury claim wound be emotional distress, also commonly referred to as mental anguish. In many cases, emotional distress can be just as bad, if not worse than injuries that are easier to prove due to their accompanying proof, such as X-rays and photographs. Read More 

The Value Of Your Recent Car Accident

5 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Going through a car accident is never a pleasant experience in life, especially if you have major injuries from it, but you might be pleased when you receive the settlement check for the accident. You will not be able to settle immediately after the accident, but you can settle at some point in the future, and here are several things you will probably want to know when it comes to the settlement value of your accident. Read More 

How A Car Accident Attorney Can Help You Handle A Severe Auto Collision

4 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Car accidents can take their toll on you emotionally and physically. If you're involved in one and didn't cause it, you deserve compensation. You can get it when you work with a car accident attorney, who can benefit you in the following ways.  Work with Your Insurance Company  After a severe auto collision, chances are a lot of damages were done to your vehicle. That's where insurance should kick in. Unfortunately, insurance companies often try to pay the minimum or nothing at all if they can find holes in your claim. Read More 

Can You Sue The Doctor For Your Loved One’s Wrongful Death?

24 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Did you recently lose a spouse, child, or other loved one? Do you believe their passing is due to negligence or malpractice on the part of their healthcare provider? Perhaps an accident occurred during surgery or maybe you feel like the doctor didn't provide the appropriate level of care. Whatever the circumstances, you likely want to find out exactly what happened and hold the provider responsible. You may even have some outstanding costs related to the incident that you feel warrant compensation from the responsible party. Read More 

What Affects The Compensation Amount For Your Personal Injury Claim

6 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you're injured in an accident, such as falling because of a slick spot in a grocery store, you could have substantial medical bills. What seems like a simple fall could cause a neck, back, or head injury that requires long-term medical care. The store's insurance company may offer you a settlement for your injuries, but you probably have no idea if it's a fair offer. The safest course of action is to hire an experienced injury lawyer who can help you decide how much compensation you should receive. Read More